Tag: <span>Human cells</span>

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Scientists Awaken the Force in Our Cells

Scientists Awaken the Force in Our Cells

Researchers at the Yale Nanobiology Institute have developed a new tool to measure how our cells transmit physical force – a trigger for molecular messages and regulating major cellular functions. Working with human cells in a biotechnology lab – associative photo. Image credit: NCI via Unsplash, free license Published in Science Advances, the findings cast...

Doctors Transplant 3-D Printed Ear Made of Human Cells

Doctors Transplant 3-D Printed Ear Made of Human Cells

June 2, 2022 in News A 20-year-old woman who was born with a small and misshapen right ear has received a 3-D printed ear implant made from her own cells, the manufacturer announced on Thursday. Independent experts said that the transplant, part of the first clinical trial of a successful medical application of this technology,...

Researchers use CRISPR to build melanoma models from scratch using human cells

Researchers use CRISPR to build melanoma models from scratch using human cells

by Allessandra Dicorato, Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard A histology image of a melanoma model. Credit: Science (2022). DOI: 10.1126/science.abi8175 By introducing cancer-causing mutations into healthy skin cells step-by-step, Broad scientists have created models of skin cancer that can reveal the effects of mutations. Over the last two decades, researchers have discovered thousands of genetic mutations in cancer, but...

Study reveals how ribosomes are assembled in human cells

Study reveals how ribosomes are assembled in human cells

All cells need ribosomes to make the proteins necessary for life. These multi-component molecular machines build complex proteins by stitching building blocks together according to instructions encoded in the cell’s messenger RNAs. But ribosomes are themselves composed of small and large subunits, each of which is made up of ribosomal proteins and RNA. Before they can manufacture proteins, these subunits must be manufactured...

Q&A: Nanobots could explore human cells – but their size is an engineering challenge

Q&A: Nanobots could explore human cells – but their size is an engineering challenge

Scientists are developing virus-sized robots that could defuse blood clots, explore human cells or even scrub water of impurities. Image credit: Pixabay (Free Pixabay license) But as these inventions get smaller, the laws of motion that govern these machines are not very intuitive, so researchers are drawing inspiration from nature, says Brad Nelson, professor of robotics at...

New discovery shows human cells can write RNA sequences into DNA

New discovery shows human cells can write RNA sequences into DNA

by Thomas Jefferson University Credit: CC0 Public Domain Cells contain machinery that duplicates DNA into a new set that goes into a newly formed cell. That same class of machines, called polymerases, also build RNA messages, which are like notes copied from the central DNA repository of recipes, so they can be read more efficiently into...

Fascinating new videos capture human RNA like it’s ‘never been seen in nature’

Fascinating new videos capture human RNA like it’s ‘never been seen in nature’

by Chris Melore EVANSTON, Ill. — The human body has trillions of cells. Each one contains the building blocks of life and now, for the first time, a study has discovered how some of those building blocks operate. Researchers from Northwestern University say they’ve created the first-ever, data-driven videos which reveal how RNA molecules twist and fold to...

Scientists build whole functioning thymus from human cells

Scientists build whole functioning thymus from human cells

by  The Francis Crick Institute Credit: CC0 Public Domain Researchers at the Francis Crick Institute and University College London have rebuilt a human thymus, an essential organ in the immune system, using human stem cells and a bioengineered scaffold. Their work is an important step towards being able to build artificial thymi which could be used as...