Tag: <span>Hydrogen sulfide</span>

Home / Hydrogen sulfide
Researchers show that hydrogen sulfide regulates the neural circuit for respiration

Researchers show that hydrogen sulfide regulates the neural circuit for respiration

by University of Tsukuba Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain While commonly associated with the unpleasant odor of hot springs, hydrogen sulfide is naturally produced in the body. Despite its toxicity at higher concentrations, the lower concentrations generated internally are indispensable for life. Researchers from the University of Tsukuba have demonstrated the importance of hydrogen sulfide in the...

Why do my farts smell so bad and how to stop it

Why do my farts smell so bad and how to stop it

Passing gas, especially very smelly gas, can be an embarrassing problem. Fortunately, home remedies such as diet and lifestyle changes can often prevent bad-smelling gas. In most cases, it is natural and healthy for a person to experience intestinal gas. It is not uncommon for farts to be either smelly or produce no odor at...


Hydrogen sulfide critical to innate ability of bacteria to survive antibiotics

NYU LANGONE HEALTH / NYU GROSSMAN SCHOOL OF MEDICINE The signaling molecule hydrogen sulfide (H2S) plays a critical role in antibiotic tolerance, the innate ability of bacteria to survive normally lethal levels of antibiotics, a new study finds.  Published online in the journal Science on June 11, the study revolves around tolerance, wherein bacteria, in...

Hydrogen sulfide could guard against Alzheimer’s disease

Hydrogen sulfide could guard against Alzheimer’s disease

by  University of Exeter PET scan of a human brain with Alzheimer’s disease. Credit: public domain Typically characterized as poisonous, corrosive and smelling of rotten eggs, hydrogen sulfide’s reputation may soon get a facelift. In experiments in mice, researchers have shown the foul-smelling gas may help protect aging brain cells against Alzheimer’s disease. The discovery of the biochemical...