Tag: <span>hyperactivity</span>

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Brain protein linked to seizures, abnormal social behaviors

Brain protein linked to seizures, abnormal social behaviors

by Iqbal Pittalwala, University of California – Riverside Confocal image of a mouse brain tissue shows the astrocytes (red) and neurons (green). Credit: Ethell lab, UC Riverside. A team led by a biomedical scientist at the University of California, Riverside has found a new mechanism responsible for the abnormal development of neuronal connections in the...

Vascular development may be at risk in autism

Vascular development may be at risk in autism

by The Ottawa Hospital A Canadian collaboration led by Dr. Baptiste Lacoste has undertaken the first ever in-depth study of vasculature in the autistic brain. Credit: The Ottawa Hospital A Canadian collaboration led by Dr. Baptiste Lacoste has undertaken the first ever in-depth study of vasculature in the autistic brain. The product of four years...

Depression symptoms linked to reduced cognitive control in people with autism

Depression symptoms linked to reduced cognitive control in people with autism

According to a UC Davis study, adolescents and young adults with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and those with typical development show similar proactive cognitive control. However, symptoms of depression in individuals with autism were linked to less proactive control. Cognitive control refers to a set of mental processes that coordinate thoughts and behaviors to fit...

Research into obsessive-compulsive disorder shows antibodies could provide new treatment

Research into obsessive-compulsive disorder shows antibodies could provide new treatment

by Queen Mary, University of London Mice with high levels of this protein were also found to exhibit behaviours that are characteristic of anxiety and stress, such as digging and excessive grooming. When the researchers treated the mice with an antibody that neutralised Imood, the animals’ anxiety levels reduced. The findings have led the researchers...


Hallucinations associated with brain hyperactivity in people with macular degeneration

New research from the University of Queensland has shown for the first time that visual hallucinations in people with macular degeneration are associated with abnormally heightened activity in the visual cortex of the brain. The findings, published in the journal Current Biology, could improve the diagnosis of such hallucinations. Macular degeneration is a retinal eye...