Tag: <span>hypothesis</span>

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The hidden links between mental disorders

The hidden links between mental disorders

Psychiatrists have a dizzying array of diagnoses and not enough treatments. Hunting for the hidden biology underlying mental disorders could help. In 2018, psychiatrist Oleguer Plana-Ripoll was wrestling with a puzzling fact about mental disorders. He knew that many individuals have multiple conditions — anxiety and depression, say, or schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. He wanted...

Long-term use of synthetic corticosteroid drugs increases adrenal gland inflammation

Long-term use of synthetic corticosteroid drugs increases adrenal gland inflammation

New research by academics at the University of Bristol has found evidence that prolonged treatment of synthetic corticosteroid drugs increases adrenal gland inflammation in response to bacterial infection, an effect that in the long-term can damage adrenal function. Synthetic corticosteroid drugs are widely prescribed to treat many inflammatory and autoimmune diseases but taking a high...


New research divided over links between inflammation and depression

By Rich Haridy Over the last decade an idea that once sat on the fringes of mainstream science has slowly edged its way closer to the center. Since the 1980s researchers have identified a distinct association between inflammation and depression. Of course, alongside that research the biggest development in the field of psychiatry in the...


Brain tunes itself to criticality, maximizing information processing

Posted Today Researchers long wondered how the billions of independent neurons in the brain come together to reliably build a biological machine that easily beats the most advanced computers. All of those tiny interactions appear to be tied to something that guarantees an impressive computational capacity. Over the past 20 years, evidence mounted in support of a...


Can memories be transferred with an injection?

Scientists believe they have utilized an injection to transplant memories between sea snails. Researchers from the University of California (CA, USA) believe that memories that trigger defensive reflexes are encoded in RNA molecules, as opposed to the widely believed hypothesis that they are instead encoded in connections between brain cells. They claim to have understood...