Tag: <span>Immune Cell Subtypes</span>

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Icosapent ethyl found to significantly reduce revascularizations in statin patients

by Society for Cardiovascular Angiography and Interventions Patients with high lipid levels have an increased risk for ischemic events, despite statin therapy. Findings presented as late-breaking science during the SCAI 2020 Scientific Sessions Virtual Conference revealed that for statin-treated patients with elevated triglycerides and increased cardiovascular risk, icosapent ethyl significantly reduced first and subsequent revascularizations...


Researchers Uncover Previously Unknown Immune Cell Subtypes

DITOR’S CHOICE IN IMMUNOLOGY The paper A.-C. Villani et al., “Single-cell RNA-seq reveals new types of human blood dendritic cells, monocytes, and progenitors,” Science, 356:eaah4573, 2017. Hiding, not seeking Dendritic cells and monocytes, essential pathogen-sensing immune watchdogs, fall into subtypes based on factors such as cell surface markers. But according to genomicist and immunologist Alexandra-Chloé Villani of the...