Tag: <span>immune checkpoint</span>

Home / immune checkpoint
Illumination of immune checkpoint LAG3 ‘black box’ could yield new cancer and autoimmune therapies

Illumination of immune checkpoint LAG3 ‘black box’ could yield new cancer and autoimmune therapies

by University of Pittsburgh In mice that express LAG3 (left image), accumulation of LAG3 at the immunological synapse in T cells lowers the pH, making conditions more acidic (green and blue) compared with less acidic (red) conditions in T cells from mice that do not express LAG3 (right image). Credit: Guy, C. et al. Nature Immunology (2022)...

Machine learning model uses clinical and genomic data to predict immune checkpoint blockade effectiveness

Machine learning model uses clinical and genomic data to predict immune checkpoint blockade effectiveness

by Cleveland Clinic Credit: CC0 Public Domain A computer model developed by Cleveland Clinic oncologist Timothy Chan, MD, Ph.D., and colleagues accurately predicts whether immune checkpoint blockade (ICB) will be effective in patients diagnosed with a wide variety of cancers. The forecasting tool, developed using machine learning, assesses multiple biological and clinical variables in an individual...