Tag: <span>immune molecule</span>

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An immune molecule that regulates aging and a living organism’s lifespan

by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical Xpress The expression of IM33 in fly brain. Blue: Dapi, which labels the nucleus of all the cells. Magenta: IM33 positive cells. Credit: Xu et al. Aging is a natural process that affects all living organisms, prompting gradual changes in their behavior and abilities. Past studies have highlighted several physiological...

Missing immune molecule may explain why some HPV patients sprout giant horn-like growths

Missing immune molecule may explain why some HPV patients sprout giant horn-like growths

by  Rockefeller University Electron micrograph of a negatively stained human papilloma virus (HPV) which occurs in human warts. Credit: public domain Most people get infected with human papilloma virus at some point in their lives but, thanks to a robust immune response, are none the wiser. Unless giant horn-like growths sprout from their skin. An exceedingly...

World-first clinical trial targets immune molecule IL23 as potential treatment for sarcoma

World-first clinical trial targets immune molecule IL23 as potential treatment for sarcoma

Sydney researchers are testing whether an existing medication could be repurposed to treat sarcoma. Recruitment is now open for a national clinical trial that will test whether an existing therapy for psoriasis can help treat patients with sarcomas, which are rare cancers arising in the connective tissues (bone, muscle, tendons, nerves, fat, cartilage and blood vessels) and...