Tag: <span>Immune system</span>

Home / Immune system

How an immune system regulator shifts the balance of immune cells

New findings may help scientists develop novel ways of tweaking the immune system to treat infections and disease ELIFE Researchers have provided new insight on the role of cyclic AMP (cAMP) in regulating the immune response. Their study, published today in eLife, reveals that cAMP shifts the type of immune system t-helper (Th) cells created...

Parkinson’s and the immune system

Parkinson’s and the immune system

Medicine RUHR-UNIVERSITY BOCHUM The team was thus able to provide further evidence that there are interfaces between the nervous system and immune system. The researchers hope that the protagonists or antagonists of this signalling pathway may be suitable for therapeutic interventions. They report on this in the cover story in the journal Science Signalingon 4...

How the immune system becomes blind to cancer cells

How the immune system becomes blind to cancer cells

by University of Freiburg T cells play a huge role in our immune system’s fight against modified cells in the body that can develop into cancer. Phagocytes and B cells identify changes in these cells and activate the T cells, which then start a full-blown program of destruction. This functions well in many cases—unless the...


Neutrophils are equipped with a ‘disarmament’ program that prevents the immune system going ‘out of control’

The newly identified immune control system is located within one of the most important cell types of the immune system, the neutrophil CENTRO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIONES CARDIOVASCULARES CARLOS III (F.S.P.) Scientists at the Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC) have discovered a ‘disarmament’ mechanism that protects our bodies against uncontrolled activity of the immune system....


DNA Circuits to Identify Cancer Cells

SIAVASH PARKHIDEH MEDICINE, NANOMEDICINE, ONCOLOGY Researchers from Duke University have developed a new DNA-based tool to identify cancer cells. Their system is a DNA circuit. DNA binding to specific cell markers produces a signal if and only if two specific proteins are present, helping to improve specificity and reduce false positives in cancer cell detection....


When your microbiome and your genome aren’t a good combination

Researchers led by a team from Osaka University find a link between the gut microbiome, the host genome, and rheumatoid arthritis in Japanese patients OSAKA UNIVERSITY Osaka, Japan – One of the most astounding discoveries of recent times is just how much influence gut bacteria have on our health and well-being. In addition to extracting...


Research on hemophagocytic syndrome uncovers new gene regulating the human immune system

VIB (the Flanders Institute for Biotechnology) Researchers from the VIB-UGent Center for Inflammation Research and the Ghent University hospital, together with research teams from the Helmholtz Zentrum in München and the National University of Australia in Canberra, identified a new genetic cause of the hemophagocytic syndrome, a rare immune disease characterized by a dangerous and...


The amazing influence of gut microbes in our immune system

by Particle Could autoimmune and allergic conditions like Crohn’s disease, multiple sclerosis or type 1 diabetes one day be treated with microbes in your gut? Inside your gut is a collective of bacteria, fungi and viruses known as the gut microbiota. Amazingly, they start to develop immediately after we’re born. With our mother’s bacteria quickly...


Drug that targets key mutation found to shrink some tumors

by Bob Yirka , Medical Xpress A team of researchers affiliated with several institutions in the U.S. and Australia (and sponsored by pharmaceutical company Amgen Research) has found that a drug they optimized to target a protein produced due to mutations in the genome was able to shrink some tumors in mice and humans. In...


Immune system upgrade

Catalytic immunotherapy for cancer: nanoparticles act as artificial enzymes WILEY Theoretically, our immune system could detect and kill cancer cells. Unfortunately, tumors are well armed to fight these attacks. Despite modern cancer treatments, metastases and relapses remain a major problem. Increasing anti-tumor immunity might now be made possible, thanks to copper telluride nanoparticles that mimic...