Tag: <span>Immune system</span>

Home / Immune system

Cancer treatment: A researcher makes breakthrough immunotherapy discovery

by University of Montreal Dr. Christopher E. Rudd, a researcher at the Centre de recherche de l’Hôpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont (CR-HMR) and Université de Montréal, has discovered a new cell therapy approach that boosts the immune response of T lymphocytes to malignant tumours. The results of the study have just been published in the respected journal Nature...


Brain immune cells may protect against OCD, anxiety

By Catharine Paddock, Ph.D. Fact checked by Isabel Godfrey Over the last decade, scientists have been discovering that microglia, a type of immune cell that resides in the brain, do more than respond to illness and infection. Now, new research in mice has linked the dysfunction of microglia of a particular genetic lineage to anxiety and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)....


Creatine powers T cells’ fight against cancer

UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA – LOS ANGELES HEALTH SCIENCES Creatine, the organic acid that is popularly taken as a supplement by athletes and bodybuilders, serves as a molecular battery for immune cells by storing and distributing energy to power their fight against cancer, according to new UCLA research. The study, conducted in mice and published in...


Q&A: Should you get vaccinations with a suppressed immune system?

by Mayo Clinic News Network Dear Mayo Clinic: I am 72 and take a drug for rheumatoid arthritis that suppresses my immune system. I’m scheduled to receive a vaccine later this year. Is it safe for me to receive this vaccine? A: Appropriate and timely vaccines are important for anyone with a suppressed immune system....


Chip to Evaluate Health of Immune System from Blood Sample

OCTOBER 17TH, 2019 MEDGADGET EDITORSDIAGNOSTICS, MEDICINE, PATHOLOGY, PUBLIC HEALTH, SPORTS MEDICINE Knowing how well a patient’s immune system is functioning may be very useful in diagnosing a disease and guiding the course of therapy. Researchers from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore are making this a reality, having developed a hybrid chip that assesses the health...


Scientists find timekeepers of gut’s immune system

by  Washington University School of Medicine As people go through their daily and nightly routines, their digestive tracts follow a routine, too: digesting food and absorbing nutrients during waking hours, and replenishing worn-out cells during sleep. Shift work and jet lag can knock sleep schedules and digestive rhythms out of whack. Such disruptions have been linked...


How IL-6 allows the immune response to develop for a key cell, the T follicular helper

These preclinical findings may have therapeutic potential for autoimmune diseases like lupus. UNIVERSITY OF ALABAMA AT BIRMINGHAM BIRMINGHAM, Ala. – The body’s immune response fights against infectious disease, and it safeguards against future infections through vaccination. However, if the immune response dysfunctions and attacks the body itself, it can cause autoimmune disease. Thus, a healthy...


Research suggests new approach for treating inflammation

by Emil Venere, Purdue University Medications that mitigate inflammation caused by a variety of diseases including rheumatic arthritis may also compromise a person’s immune system, but a new approach points to a possible solution to this problem. Researchers have discovered a mechanism that might alleviate inflammation by suppressing the migration of a type of white...


Needle-free flu vaccine patch effective in early study

by University of Rochester Medical Center A new needle-free flu vaccine patch revved up the immune system much like a traditional flu shot without any negative side effects, according to a study published in the Journal of Investigative Dermatology. Though the research is in the early stages (the patch hasn’t been tested in humans), it’s...


Synthetic cells capture and reveal hidden messages of the immune system

by University of Oxford When immune cells detect harmful pathogens or cancer, they mobilise and coordinate a competent defence response. To do this effectively immune cells must communicate in a way that is tailored to the pathogenic insult. Consequently, the body’s response to various health challenges depends on successful coordination among the cells of the immune...