Tag: <span>Immune system</span>

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Making Tumors Tastier for the Immune System

Making Tumors Tastier for the Immune System

NOVEMBER 15TH, 2022 CONN HASTINGS  MEDICINE, NANOMEDICINE, ONCOLOGY Researchers at The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center have developed a nanotechnology platform that can make cancer cells more vulnerable to immune attack in the body. The researchers call their system the bispecific tumor-transforming nanoconjugate (BiTN) platform.  The idea is to make solid tumors more appealing...

Immune system holds clues to patients with high-risk smoldering myeloma likely to benefit from treatment

Immune system holds clues to patients with high-risk smoldering myeloma likely to benefit from treatment

by Dana-Farber Cancer Institute Graphical abstract. Credit: Cancer Cell (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.ccell.2022.10.017 For many patients with a condition that often precedes multiple myeloma, early treatment can slow or delay the progression to myeloma. In a new study, investigators at Dana-Farber Cancer Institute demonstrate that changes in immune system cells can indicate which patients with high-risk “smoldering” myeloma...

Blood stem cell transplantation for an immune system reboot in MS patients

Blood stem cell transplantation for an immune system reboot in MS patients

by  University of Zurich Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Blood stem cell transplantation is a radical but highly effective therapy for multiple sclerosis. A study led by the University of Zurich has now examined in detail the way in which the treatment curbs the autoimmune disease and how the immune system regenerates afterwards. A better understanding of...

How pathogens hijack the immune system to cause vaccine-enhanced disease

How pathogens hijack the immune system to cause vaccine-enhanced disease

by Anna Zarra Aldrich, University of Connecticut Vaccination with M. pneumoniae lipoproteins is associated with potent reactivation of inflammatory cytokines responses after challenge. A Illustration of experimental timeline and outcome measures. B Lung lesion scores of vaccinated-then-challenged animals. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) concentrations of C TNF-α, D IL-1β, E IL-6, F IL-17A, and G KC...

Immune system-evading hybrid virus observed for first time

Immune system-evading hybrid virus observed for first time

Researchers found the RSV and influenza viruses fused together to form a new type of virus pathogen As well as helping the viruses evade the immune system, joining forces may also enable them to access more lung cells. Photograph: David Davies/PALinda Geddes Science correspondent Mon 24 Oct 2022 11.55 EDT Two common respiratory viruses can...

New gene editing strategy could lead to treatments for people born with inherited diseases of the immune system

New gene editing strategy could lead to treatments for people born with inherited diseases of the immune system

by University College London Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain A fault in cells that form a key part of the immune system can be repaired with a pioneering gene editing technique, finds new research demonstrated in human cells and mice, led by UCL scientists. Researchers say the study, published in Science Translational Medicine, could lead to new...

New cancer drug candidate targets immune system ‘brakes’

New cancer drug candidate targets immune system ‘brakes’

by Sarah C.P. Williams, University of Chicago Design and synthesis of stapled alpha-helical peptides targeting FOXP3. (A) Human FOXP3 sequence. Residues F214–K263 represent the entirety of a helix constituting the zinc finger (F214–L224; shown in green) and leucine zipper (D225–K263; shown in blue) regions. Within the leucine zipper, the coiled-coil (R229–H259; shown in orange) represents...

Iron deficiency suppresses important arm of the innate immune system

Iron deficiency suppresses important arm of the innate immune system

by German Cancer Research Center Acute IRP ablation during adulthood causes erythropenia and myelopenia. P1/2-CTR and P1/2-KO littermates received tamoxifen on days 1 and 3 to induce IRP ablation. Mice were analyzed on day 10. (A) Genomic polymerase chain reaction (PCR) analysis of the Irp1 (Aco1) and Irp2 (Ireb2) alleles in tissues from P1/2-KO mice....

Disarming the immune system’s lethal lung response

Disarming the immune system’s lethal lung response

by Nick Wurm,  Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory CSHL researchers have found treating mice with a drug candidate that inhibits a protein called PTP1B can prevent deadly lung inflammation in mice. Seen here are 3D images of mouse lungs treated with (left) and without (right) the PTP1B inhibitor drug candidate. The drug candidate prevented a lethal amount...


Major discovery exposes immune system’s ‘off button’

THE PETER DOHERTY INSTITUTE FOR INFECTION AND IMMUNITY Scientists have discovered what turns off the molecular alarm system that plays a critical role in our immune response. MR1 (MHC class I-related molecule) is an antibacterial superhero – a protein present in every cell of the human body, that acts as a molecular alarm system by...