Tag: <span>Immune system</span>

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New cancer treatment may reawaken the immune system

New cancer treatment may reawaken the immune system

by  Massachusetts Institute of Technology Credit: CC0 Public Domain Immunotherapy is a promising strategy to treat cancer by stimulating the body’s own immune system to destroy tumor cells, but it only works for a handful of cancers. MIT researchers have now discovered a new way to jump-start the immune system to attack tumors, which they hope...

How ‘chaperone’ proteins deal with immune system overreactions

How ‘chaperone’ proteins deal with immune system overreactions

by Hayley Dunning,  Imperial College London Cryo-electron microscopy structure of the soluble membrane attack complex shows how chaperone protein, clusterin (pink), helps to prevent immune activation complexes (blue) from damaging human cells. Credit: Imperial College London Scientists have discovered how special proteins in the blood prevent our immune system from harming our own cells with overproduced...

Immune system link with rare ovarian cancer could guide future treatment

Immune system link with rare ovarian cancer could guide future treatment

by  Institute of Cancer Research Credit: Jan Chlebik, ICR Immune-related genes are associated with the development of the rare cancer ovarian clear cell carcinoma (OCCC), new research has found. A new study led by researchers at the Institute of Cancer Research, London, investigated the immune characteristics of OCCC and uncovered gene alterations linked to poor prognosis for the disease. It also identified specific immune cells that...

Important factor identified in the epigenetic control of the innate immune system

Important factor identified in the epigenetic control of the innate immune system

by Johannes Angerer,  Medical University of Vienna In DNMT1 deficient keratinocytes, DNA hypomethylation induces transposon derepression, mitotic defects and formation of micronuclei. DNA released into the cytosol by micronulear rupture activates signaling through cGAS and STING, further activating inflammation by ISG induction. Credit: DOI: 10.15252/embj.2021108234 The innate human immune system is capable of recognizing and fighting...

The immune system’s double agents

The immune system’s double agents

by  Tel-Aviv University Bone marrow pro-tumorigenic neutrophils (lower panel) promote the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) in the tumor. GFP (green) = tumor, vWF (marker for blood vessels). Credit: Tel Aviv University A new Tel Aviv University study examined for the first time the development of a glioblastoma cancerous tumor in animal models with a...

New treatment uses reverse vaccination to teach immune system not to attack life-saving drugs

New treatment uses reverse vaccination to teach immune system not to attack life-saving drugs

by Marcene Robinson,  University at Buffalo Biophysical characteristics of lipid nanoparticles for immunotherapy. (a) Surface exposure of different PS species on the nanoparticles as detected by PSVue fluorescence signal. Changes in fluorescence intensity I/I0 were monitored as a function of total lipid concentration and fitted in GraphPad Prism using a single site-total binding model with nonlinear...

Chronic-inflammatory liver disease therapy with synthetic bile acid also directly affects the immune system

Chronic-inflammatory liver disease therapy with synthetic bile acid also directly affects the immune system

by  Medical University of Vienna Chronic-inflammatory liver disease: Therapy with synthetic bile acid also directly affects the immune system. Credit: Nerthuz/Shutterstock Primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC) is a rare, chronic inflammatory disease of the bile ducts and difficult to treat. Studies conducted by the Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology at MedUni Wien under the guidance of Michael...

Could future coronavirus variants fully dodge our immune system?

Could future coronavirus variants fully dodge our immune system?

by  Rockefeller University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain With every new variant of SARS-CoV-2 that emerges to cause a surge in cases, a worrisome question also arises: Could the virus eventually arrive at a set of mutations that would enable it to fully evade our immune response?  A new study, published in Nature, suggests that it will...

Study provides new insight into fundamental workings of the immune system in response to therapy to treat skin cancer

Study provides new insight into fundamental workings of the immune system in response to therapy to treat skin cancer

by  University of Birmingham Credit: CC0 Public Domain New research led by the University of Birmingham suggests that skin cancer patients could have a better prognosis if their T cells send messages from five specific genes in their immune response to drugs given to treat the disease. The research, carried out in mice, cells in the laboratory, and using...

Cancer cells’ unexpected genetic tricks for evading the immune system

Cancer cells’ unexpected genetic tricks for evading the immune system

by Howard Hughes Medical Institute Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Hundreds of cancer-linked genes play a different role in causing disease than scientists had expected. So-called tumor suppressor genes have long been known to block cell growth, preventing cancerous cells from spreading. Mutations in these genes, scientists believed, thus allow tumors to flourish unchecked. Now, Howard...