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Immune health—an immunologist explains why both too strong and too weak an immune response can lead to illness

Immune health—an immunologist explains why both too strong and too weak an immune response can lead to illness

by Aimee Pugh Bernard, The Conversation Too much or too little immune activation can lead to illness. Credit: Kevbonham/Wikimedia Commons, CC BY-SA For immune health, some influencers seem to think the Goldilocks philosophy of “just right” is overrated. Why settle for less immunity when you can have more? Many social media posts push supplements and...



For some individuals with COVID-19, recovering from the acute phase of the infection is only the beginning, John Swartzberg warns. Worrying reports now indicate that the coronarvirus may be capable of inflicting long-lasting damage to the lungs, heart, and nervous system, and researchers are closely watching to see if the kidneys, liver, and gastrointestinal tract...


CAR T cell therapy: potential for considerable savings

GERMAN CANCER RESEARCH CENTER (DEUTSCHES KREBSFORSCHUNGSZENTRUM, DKFZ) Chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cell therapy is a new and in some cases highly effective form of immunotherapy to treat certain types of cancer of the blood and lymph system. This promising treatment comes at a cost, however: The manufacturers charge up to EUR 320,000 for the...


Immunologist: How the body’s defense system takes on viruses, and why sometimes it loses

A powerful immune reaction called a cytokine storm is claiming the lives of some coronavirus patients. Credit: ingimage You’ve probably heard that your best defenses against the coronavirus are washing your hands, practicing social distancing, and having a healthy immune system. It’s that last part—the part you can’t really control for sure—that may have you...


New cancer vaccine can teach the immune system to ‘see’ rogue cells and kill them

Vaccine teaches immune system to recognise rogue cells as part of treatment Method involves extracting immune cells from a patient, altering them in lab they can then ‘see‘ a protein common to many cancers and then reinjected A trial vaccine is showing promising results in patients with a range of cancers. One woman treated with the vaccine, which teaches the immune system to recognize rogue cells, saw her ovarian cancer...


Why is snot green? Immunologist answers 8-year-old’s burning question (and reveals the grim colour is actually good news for your immune system!)

When someone has a cold or infection immune cells kill off the virus or bacteria When the immune cells, which contain a green chemical, die they end up in snot The green colour is a sign your body is successfully fighting an infection  It is thought to be a sign that a sniffle is something...