Tag: <span>inhibitors</span>

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Study identifies potential drug treatments for telomere diseases

Study identifies potential drug treatments for telomere diseases

by Children’s Hospital Boston Capping decades of research, a new study may offer a breakthrough in treating dyskeratosis congenita and other so-called telomere diseases, in which cells age prematurely. Using cells donated by patients with the disease, researchers at the Dana-Farber/Boston Children’s Cancer and Blood Disorders Center identified several small molecules that appear to reverse...


Designing peptide inhibitors for possible COVID-19 treatments

Scientists across the globe are rushing to find inhibitors of SARS-CoV-2, the new coronavirus behind the COVID-19 pandemic. Some are using computer simulations to identify promising compounds before conducting actual experiments in the lab. Now, researchers reporting in ACS Nano have used computer modeling to assess four peptides that mimic the virus-binding domain of the...


New automated method helps identify cancer cell metabolism inhibitors

Reviewed by James Ives, M.Psych. (Editor) UCLA Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center researchers have developed a new automated method for testing hundreds of molecules at a time to find out which ones block cancer cells from consuming glucose – the sugars they need to spread and grow. Using robotics, the researchers tested 3,555 compounds on non-small-cell...


Live zoster vaccine safe and effective for people taking TNF inhibitors

AMERICAN COLLEGE OF RHEUMATOLOGY ATLANTA — According to new research findings presented this week at the 2019 ACR/ARP Annual Meeting, the live zoster virus vaccine is safe for people who are currently receiving tumor necrosis factor inhibitor (TNFi) biologic therapies for various indications (Abstract # 824). In healthy individuals, excess TNF in the blood is...


36% of proton pump inhibitor prescriptions for older adults may be unnecessary

by Enrique Rivero, University of California, Los Angeles One in eight older adults was prescribed proton pump inhibitor drugs, which are used to treat gastric ulcers or to prevent gastrointestinal bleeding in those taking blood thinners. About 36 percent of those prescriptions were potentially unnecessary, a study found, primarily because people took them far longer...


Drug-resistant cancer cells create own Achilles heel

by Nicole Giese Rura,  Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research The cells of most patients’ cancers are resistant to a class of drugs, called proteasome inhibitors, that should kill them. When studied in the lab, these drugs are highly effective, yet hundreds of clinical trials testing proteasome inhibitors have failed. Now scientists may have solved the mystery of these cells’ surprising hardiness....

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