Tag: <span>insulin</span>

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Diabetes-associated pain linked to disrupted insulin signalling

The chronic pain experienced by a number of patients with diabetes has widely been assumed to originate from damage to blood vessels or to local tissue surrounding neurons caused by high blood-sugar levels. However, a new study reports that in fruit flies, this pain hypersensitivity results instead from disrupted insulin signaling in pain sensory neurons....


Resistance exercise improves insulin resistance, glucose levels

A new study suggests that resistance exercise may improve indicators of type 2 diabetes by increasing expression of a protein that regulates blood sugar (glucose) absorption in the body. The paper, published ahead of print in the American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, was chosen as an APSselect article for April. People with type 2 diabetes...


A new role for insulin as a vital factor in maintaining stem cells

New research conducted at the stem cell centre, DanStem, at the University of Copenhagen shows that insulin is a key determinant of embryonic stem cell potency in mammals New research conducted at the stem cell centre, DanStem, at the University of Copenhagen shows that insulin is a key determinant of embryonic stem cell potency in...


New measure of insulin-making cells could gauge diabetes progression, treatment

Baseline PET scan shows uptake of manganese chloride tracer in mouse pancreas, in research at the University of Wisconsin–Madison department of radiology. Signal is greatly reduced in mice given a drug that inhibits insulin production, and conversely, intensified in mice given a stimulator of insulin production. Researchers at the University of Wisconsin-Madison have developed a...


Transforming skin cells to insulin

Researchers at the University of Bergen have transformed skin puncture cells from diabetes patients into insulin producing cells, using stem cell techniques. The researchers’ aim is to transplant these cells under the skin of people with diabetes. “This study is a step towards discovering how “stand-in” cells can secrete insulin in the body,” says Professor...


Type 1 diabetes: Almost half of patients produce insulin

Type 1 diabetes is often described as a condition in which the body fails to produce the hormone insulin. New research, however, provides further evidence that not all insulin production is lost with the condition, and this may be down to an anti-inflammatory protein. Researchers from Uppsala University in Sweden found that nearly half of...


Federal lawsuit accuses three insulin manufacturers of conspiring together to raise their prices as research finds cost increased 120% over four years

Federal lawsuit accuses Sanofi SA, Novo Nordisk and Eli Lilly & Co of simultaneously increasing the price of insulin Research firm found prices of drug from three companies increased between 99 and 120 percent from 2012 to 2016 Lawsuit plaintiffs claim that some skipped meals or underdosed their insulin because they could not afford treatment...


Chemically modified insulin is available more quickly

Binding of the insulin analog (green) to the receptor (light blue). The receptor’s surface is shown in transparent gray. Replacing a hydrogen atom by an iodine atom in insulin, the hormone retains its efficacy but is available more rapidly to the organism. Researchers at the University of Basel were able to predict this effect based...

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