Tag: <span>isolate protective</span>

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A safer cell therapy harnesses patient T cells to fight multiple myeloma

AMERICAN ASSOCIATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SCIENCE A treatment for multiple myeloma that harnesses the body’s cancer-fighting T cells was safe in humans and showed preliminary signs of effectiveness, according to a clinical trial involving 23 patients with relapsed or treatment-resistant disease. Although more research is needed to determine how well the treatment works, the...

Researchers to study the effectiveness of an intervention for helping isolated older people during COVID-19

Researchers to study the effectiveness of an intervention for helping isolated older people during COVID-19

by Alistair Keely, University of York Researchers are to trial an intervention aimed at preventing and mitigating the onset of depression and loneliness among the most vulnerable in society as a result of the COVID-19 lockdown. Enforced isolation, whether this is due to shielding or self-isolation, causes disruption to daily routines, loss of social contact...


Scientists isolate protective proteins that influence outcomes for type 2 diabetes

by Trinity College Dublin Scientists from the School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, have, for the first time, discovered a family of proteins that are associated with lower blood sugar levels among obese patients with type 2 diabetes. Their research is published today in the international journal Nature Communications. The study showed that patients with type 2 diabetes who have high levels...