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Changes in the composition of joint lubricant may be behind osteoarthritis

Changes in the composition of joint lubricant may be behind osteoarthritis

Share on PinterestScientists may have found a culprit behind osteoarthritis. Emotion Matters/Stocksy Synovial joints, one of the most common types of joints between bones, are characterized by the presence of a cavity filled with viscous synovial fluid between the two joint bones. The molecules in the synovial fluid form a lubricating film on the layer...


Synthetic joint lubricant holds promise for osteoarthritis

by Krishna Ramanujan, Cornell University A new type of treatment for osteoarthritis, currently in canine clinical trials, shows promise for eventual use in humans. The treatment, developed by Cornell University biomedical engineers, is a synthetic version of a naturally occurring joint lubricant that binds to the surface of cartilage in joints and acts as a cushion during high-impact activities, such as running. “When...