Tag: <span>junk food</span>

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Got junk food on the brain? These cells may be to blame

Got junk food on the brain? These cells may be to blame

by Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory CSHL Professor Bo Li has discovered a group of neurons, shown here in green, in the brain’s amygdala that drive mice to eat even when they’re not hungry. The neurons activate in response to fatty and sugary foods and trigger a behavior called hedonic eating—when mice eat for pleasure instead...


Craving junk food after a sleepless night?

Blame your nose, which sniffs out high fat, calorie-dense food NORTHWESTERN UNIVERSITY Sleep-deprived subjects gobbled doughnuts and potato chips  Brain zeroes in on smells of energy-rich food  After sleepless night, your ‘tired’ nose fails to talk to brain regions directing food choices  CHICAGO — When you’re sleep deprived, you tend to reach for doughnuts, fries...


Want a healthy heart? Turn off the TV and eat a good breakfast

Study underscores heart benefits of lifestyles with balanced eating and less sedentary time AMERICAN COLLEGE OF CARDIOLOGY WASHINGTON (March 6, 2019) — The small lifestyle choices we make each day add up when it comes to hearthealth. In a new two-pronged study being presented at the American College of Cardiology’s 68th Annual Scientific Session, people who spent less...


How your junk food habit could affect your GRANDCHILDREN: Damaging effects of a high-fat diet can be passed down THREE generations, study finds

We know that the children of obese parents are prone to obesity themselves New research from the University of Zurich found that female mice who ate fatty diets had offspring that were more prone to obesity  The risk was passed down to their grandchildren and great-grandchildren too  Fatty foods seem to alter genes to predispose the animals to have metabolic disorders...