Tag: <span>Kidney disease</span>

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New algorithm can predict diabetic kidney disease

New algorithm can predict diabetic kidney disease

by Sanford Burnham Prebys Medical Discovery Institute Association between CpG methylation and renal function. The methylation level of each CpG site was tested for its association with baseline eGFR (a–c) and eGFR slope (d–f). The results of all the 434,908 CpG sites analyzed in this study are shown using Manhattan plots (a, d), quantile–quantile (QQ) plots (b, e),...

Inflammation ‘brake’ gene may help reveal outcomes of kidney disease

Inflammation ‘brake’ gene may help reveal outcomes of kidney disease

by Garvan Institute of Medical Research Paradoxically, a gene variant that increases inflammation also has a protective effect on the kidneys. Seen here, kidney cell nuclei (blue) and an influx of immune regulatory cells (pink) that prevent damage in an injured kidney. Credit: Garvan A discovery about gene variants of an inflammation ‘brake’ brings scientists a step...


First-in-class treatment delivers major advance for incurable kidney disease

by  George Institute for Global Health Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain The latest findings from the PROTECT phase III trial show sparsentan—a novel treatment for IgA nephropathy—significantly reduces proteinuria, or abnormal protein levels in the urine, compared to standard treatment irbesartan. The interim analysis of data from the PROTECT trial was published April 1 in The Lancet and simultaneously...


Study finds certain substances in urine, blood can predict kidney disease progression

JOHNS HOPKINS MEDICINE In a new study looking at the long-term effects of hospitalized patients who have acute kidney injury (AKI), a sudden but temporary loss of kidney function, Johns Hopkins Medicine researchers found that higher levels of certain biomarkers in urine and blood can predict a patient’s risk of developing chronic kidney disease (CKD)....

Scientists identify role of key metabolism enzyme in kidney disease

Scientists identify role of key metabolism enzyme in kidney disease

By Paul McClure March 26, 2023 Scientists have identified the role that an enzyme found in every single living cell plays in the development of kidney disease Depositphotos Scientists have identified the role an enzyme, crucial to the body’s metabolism, plays in the development of kidney disease, opening the door to new methods of prevention...

Scientists uncover protective role of NAD maintenance in kidney disease

Scientists uncover protective role of NAD maintenance in kidney disease

by  Perelman School of Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania Integrated metabolomics and transcriptomics data analysis of human kidney samples. a, Total of 50 human kidney samples were collected for metabolomics analysis; including healthy controls (n = 25) and patients with KD (n = 25). b, Volcano plot of metabolites showing significant changes in human diseased kidneys. The x axis shows log2 fold change (log2FC)....

Scientists pave way for potential cure for severe kidney disease disproportionately affecting Black individuals

Scientists pave way for potential cure for severe kidney disease disproportionately affecting Black individuals

by Jacqueline Mitchell,  Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Today in the United States, about two out of every 1,000 people live with kidney failure. For every one white person who develops the disease, three Black people do. Kidney failure, also known as end-stage renal failure or end-stage kidney disease, is the irreversible...

World first test to detect diabetics at risk of kidney disease

World first test to detect diabetics at risk of kidney disease

by Monash University Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain In a world first international study led by Monash University researchers in Australia, the genetic markers for people with diabetes at risk of developing kidney disease have been identified. The study opens the way for the development of a test that could predict those adults with Type 1 diabetes at...

Drug discovery offers potential treatment for common kidney disease

Drug discovery offers potential treatment for common kidney disease

by University of Edinburgh Scanned images of whole kidneys comparing a healthy contralateral mouse kidney with a kidney after ischemia-reperfusion injury (IRI), with red staining indicative of fibrosis. Credit: Science Translational Medicine (2022). DOI: 10.1126/scitranslmed.abf5074 A serious condition that can cause the kidneys to suddenly stop working could be treated with existing medicines, a new study shows. In...

Early diagnosis tool for childhood kidney disease

Early diagnosis tool for childhood kidney disease

by University of Tokyo Location of three biomarkers (MGAM, MUC1, CD9) in kidney tissue shown as green, blue or red by tissue staining. These biomarkers are situated in different cellular compartments in different segments of the nephron. Credit: 2022 Takizawa et al. Early diagnosis of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is key to managing progression of...