Tag: <span>Kidney disease</span>

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A small piece of genetic material could be key to diagnosing, treating high blood pressure

A small piece of genetic material could be key to diagnosing, treating high blood pressure

by University of Glasgow A small piece of genetic material could hold the key to diagnosing and treating high blood pressure earlier, according to new research by scientists at the University of Glasgow, who found that a small piece of genetic material could explain why arteries become increasingly stiff (which happens in high blood pressure)...

Study reveals ‘identical’ survival for kidney dialysis patients using different treatments

Study reveals ‘identical’ survival for kidney dialysis patients using different treatments

Research carried out at University of Limerick has shown that life expectancy outcomes for two of the most common forms of kidney dialysis treatment are “virtually identical”. In the largest study of its kind, researchers from the Graduate Entry Medical School (GEMS) at UL compared the survival of patients with kidney failure that were treated...

Study examines quality of life in patients with kidney disease in India

Study examines quality of life in patients with kidney disease in India

by American Society of Nephrology A new study indicates that even early stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) can negatively impact individuals’ quality of life. The findings, which appear in an upcoming issue of CJASN, point to the importance of addressing, in addition to the medical aspects of chronic diseases, other factors that are important...


Current statin use may lower risk for lethal prostate cancer

(HealthDay)—Current statin use is inversely associated with the risk for lethal prostate cancer, according to a study published online Nov. 21 in Clinical Cancer Research. Emma H. Allott, Ph.D., from Queen’s University Belfast in the United Kingdom, and colleagues prospectively examined statin use and lethal prostate cancer risk in the Health Professionals Follow-up Study. Data...


Common muscle relaxant causes severe confusion in patients with kidney disease

UNIVERSITY OF WESTERN ONTARIO One in 25 patients with very low kidney function were admitted to hospital with severe confusion and other cognitive-related symptoms a few days after being prescribed a common muscle relaxant. A new study from ICES Western, Western University and Lawson Health Research Institute has shown that patients with kidney dysfunction who...


Genetics may determine who benefits from broccoli’s effects on kidney health

by American Society of Nephrology New research indicates that the benefits of a dietary compound on kidney health may depend on an individual’s genetics. The findings, which appear in an upcoming issue of JASN, may be helpful for tailoring interventions to prevent or treat kidney disease. Glutathione S-transferase mu-1 (GSTM1) is an enzyme that plays...


Genetically modified mice can show which functional foods can heal kidney disease

Scientists create a mouse model that can show kidney disease progression and treatment in live animals HIROSHIMA UNIVERSITY Chronic kidney disease affects 750 million people each year. Aging populations and an increase in diseases such as diabetes will lead to a greater burden of kidney disease. In general, when doctors want to check if a...


Can aspirin decrease the rate of intracranial aneurysm growth?

JOURNAL OF NEUROSURGERY PUBLISHING GROUP CHARLOTTESVILLE, VA (OCTOBER 29, 2019). Researchers conducted a database search to investigate whether aspirin can aid in the prevention of intracranial aneurysm rupture by hindering aneurysm growth. The researchers identified 146 patients harboring multiple intracranial aneurysms, five millimeters or less in diameter, that had been observed for at least five...


Reversing polycystic kidney disease

by Sonia Fernandez, University of California Hereditary and relatively common, polycystic kidney disease (PKD) has long been thought to be progressive and irreversible, condemning its sufferers to a long, slow and often painful decline as fluid filled cysts develop in the kidneys, grow and eventually rob the organs of their function. Once their kidneys fail,...