Tag: <span>Kiwifruit</span>

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Kiwifruit can quickly improve mental health, suggests study

by University of Otago Credit: CC0 Public DomainKiwifruit has proven itself as a powerful mood booster and new research from the University of Otago has shown just how fast its effects can be. In a study, published in the British Journal of Nutrition, researchers found the furry fruit improved vitality and mood in as little as...


Kiwifruit Found Effective for Constipation

Laird Harrison December 29, 2022 Kiwifruit can increase the frequency of bowel movements for people with constipation, according to researchers in New Zealand. “In addition to improved measures of constipation status, there was a significant improvement in stool consistency, reduction in constipation, indigestion/reflux, and abdominal pain resulting in an improved overall level of GI comfort,” write Richard Gearry,...