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Laser flashes for cancer research

Laser flashes for cancer research

HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM DRESDEN-ROSSENDORF IMAGE: A RESEARCH TEAM LED BY THE HELMHOLTZ-ZENTRUM DRESDEN-ROSSENDORF (HZDR) HAS SUCCESSFULLY TESTED THE IRRADIATION OF TUMORS WITH LASER PROTONS FOR THE FIRST TIME.  CREDIT: HZDR / JUNIKS Irradiation with fast protons is a more effective and less invasive cancer treatment than X-rays. However, modern proton therapy requires large particle accelerators, which has...


First experiments at new X-ray laser reveal unknown structure of antibiotics killer

An international collaboration led by DESY and consisting of over 120 researchers has announced the results of the first scientific experiments at Europe’s new X-ray laser European XFEL. The pioneering work not only demonstrates that the new research facility can speed up experiments by more than an order of magnitude, it also reveals a previously unknown structure of an enzyme responsible for antibiotics resistance. “The groundbreaking work of the first team to use...


Diamond device paves way for first practical microwave lasers

Before lasers, there were masers — the microwave siblings of optical lasers. But whereas lasers are used in many applications from telescopes to medicine, masers have long languished in the shadows, because they work only in super-cool temperatures or in a vacuum. Now, physicists have created a maser that works in regular conditions — using...


Laser therapy- new light in treating prostate cancer

A technique that destroys tumors could save thousands of men from surgery. Laser therapy could eradicate the prostate cancer tumors of thousands of men Technique could spare many patients the trauma of surgery or radiotherapy Nearly half of men with early-stage prostate cancer saw their tumor destroyed Targeting prostate cancer with bursts of light could...