Tag: <span>laser light</span>

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Laser light, a dye and a nonsurgical implant could help overcome obesity

Laser light, a dye and a nonsurgical implant could help overcome obesity

by American Chemical Society In this illustration, an implant (blue and gray) creates a feeling of fullness by pressing on the stomach and, when activated by a laser (black), killing cells that produce the hunger hormone. Credit: Adapted from ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2022, DOI: 10.1021/acsami.2c00532 When dieting and exercise aren’t enough, weight-loss surgery can be...

Recording brain activity with laser light

Recording brain activity with laser light

by  California Institute of Technology Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A Caltech professor, in collaboration with researchers at the University of Southern California, has demonstrated for the first time a new technology for imaging the human brain using laser light and ultrasonic sound waves. The technology, known as photoacoustic computerized tomography, or PACT, has been developed by Lihong Wang,...