Tag: <span>late stages</span>

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Early CTE disease process found to be mechanistically different than what occurs in late stages

Early CTE disease process found to be mechanistically different than what occurs in late stages

by Boston University School of Medicine Sample characteristics for the variables examined in this study. A–C Distribution of total years of play, age at death, and log AT8 histochemical quantification, respectively, for RHI, CTE-L, and CTE-H sample groups. D, E Distribution of age at death for each sample group broken out into risk allele groups for APOE and TMEM106B, respectively. F, G Distribution...

Early, late stages of degenerative diseases are distinct, study shows

Early, late stages of degenerative diseases are distinct, study shows

by Jade Boyd,  Rice University Based on thousands of experiments over more than a decade, Rice University biochemists Michael Stern and James McNew believe degenerative diseases as varied as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and muscle atrophy occur in two phases (green and red) marked by distinct alterations in the activity of the signaling pathway proteins TOR, AMPK, Foxo...