Tag: <span>learn</span>

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We need memory to learn—but not the way we currently use it

We need memory to learn—but not the way we currently use it

by Sylvie Pérez Lima and Jordi Perales Pons, The Conversation Credit: shutterstock. Shutterstock / fizkes Sometimes we remember things that we did not even know we had memorised and sometimes the opposite happens—we want to remember something that we know we’ve learned but are not able to recall it. Faced with an exam, students only ask...


How to activate your brain’s ability to learn

A new study looks at the power of practicing well beyond mastery. In music, you have scales. In Jiu Jitsu, it’s drilling. Most of us just call it practice. Whatever you label it, many believe that greatness, heck even mere competency, requires training a skill well past proficiency. It’s continuing to practice your free throw even after you’ve nailed every...