Tag: <span>learning</span>

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Tuning into brainwave rhythms speeds up learning in adults, study finds

Tuning into brainwave rhythms speeds up learning in adults, study finds

by University of Cambridge The brainwaves experiment set-up in the Adaptive Brain Lab, led by Prof Zoe Kourtzi, in the University of Cambridge’s Department of Psychology. Credit: University of Cambridge Scientists have shown for the first time that briefly tuning into a person’s individual brainwave cycle before they perform a learning task dramatically boosts the...

How does the brain learn?

How does the brain learn?

by University of Montreal Testing plasticity model generalization on the L4-PC to L2/3-PC connection type. a 3-D rendering of a representative pair of connected L4-PC to L2/3-PC in the in silico model. Inset shows a magnified view of the synapses mediating the connection (yellow spheres). b Evolution over time of simulated EPSP amplitude during a typical...


Deep learning dreams up new protein structures

Just as convincing images of cats can be created using artificial intelligence, new proteins can now be made using similar tools. In a report in Nature, researchers describe the development of a neural network that “hallucinates” proteins with new, stable structures. Proteins, which are string-like molecules found in every cell, spontaneously fold into intricate three-dimensional shapes....

Research shows what happens in the sensory cortex when learning and recognising patterns

Research shows what happens in the sensory cortex when learning and recognising patterns

by  University of Sussex A study by scientists at the University of Sussex is challenging the common understanding of how mammalian brains work. The research, published in Current Biology, suggests that neurons in the sensory cortex don’t just detect sensory information, but could actually decipher meaning and regulate bodily responses too. The findings could have significant implications for understanding...