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Scientists identify neural mechanism of leptin resistance in obesity—and how to reverse it

by Rockefeller University Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Worldwide obesity rates have more than doubled since 1990, with nearly a billion people now falling into the category. Though a complex interplay of genes, diet, and environment contribute, 90% of cases share one thing in common: leptin resistance. In lean individuals, fat cells produce the hormone leptin, which suppresses appetite. But...


Leptin signaling and its relationship with obesity-induced insulin resistance

Peer-Reviewed Publication Xia & He Publishing Inc. image:  Obesity has become a global epidemic affecting diverse populations and leading to metabolic syndrome across different sexes and age groups. A significant aspect of obesity is the development of leptin resistance, primarily due to the inefficient transport of leptin across the blood-brain barrier and other mechanisms such...


Found: A destructive mechanism that blocks the brain from knowing when to stop eating

An international team of researchers has uncovered a destructive mechanism at the molecular level that causes a well-known phenomenon associated with obesity, called leptin resistance. Mice fed a high-fat diet produce an enzyme named MMP-2 that clips receptors for the hormone leptin from the surface of neuronal cells in the hypothalamus. This blocks leptin from binding to...