Tag: <span>leukemia treatment</span>

Home / leukemia treatment
New leukemia treatment-response ‘crystal ball’ discovered using AI

New leukemia treatment-response ‘crystal ball’ discovered using AI

by Federico Graciano, Duke-NUS Medical School Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Scientists at Duke-NUS Medical School, A*STAR’s Genome Institute of Singapore (GIS), Singapore General Hospital (SGH) and their colleagues in Singapore have used artificial intelligence (AI) to accelerate the discovery of critical biomarkers that can predict, at diagnosis, patients with chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) who will not...

Leukemia treatment breakthrough for babies

Leukemia treatment breakthrough for babies

by Hayley Jarvis, Brunel University Comparison of K562-t(7;12) transcriptional landscape with t(7;12) patient signatures. A 177-gene signature of t(7;12)-patient gene expression extrapolated from published microarray and RNA sequencing datasets by comparison with other pediatric AML subtypes. The Venn diagram shows the 177 intersect genes. B 121-gene t(7;12)-specific signature inferred by comparisons of gene expressions of...

Promising approach to mitigate complications of leukemia treatment

Promising approach to mitigate complications of leukemia treatment

by Molly Chiu, Baylor College of Medicine Chronic meyloid leukemia under a microscope. Credit: Baylor College of Medicine Researchers at Baylor College of Medicine and collaborating institutions have engineered immune cells to control two major life-threatening complications, namely graft-vs-host disease (GvHD) and cancer relapse, which typically emerge after treating leukemia with allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell...

Leukemia treatment can bait and capture cells in hiding, research shows

Leukemia treatment can bait and capture cells in hiding, research shows

by  University of Rochester Medical Center Fig. 1 Schematic of the Cas9 RNP delivery system. (A) Lipidoid nanoparticle (LNP)–encapsulated Cas9 RNP delivery system. PCL nanofibril (NF) that mimic the bone tissue environment were coated with mesenchymal stem cell membrane (MSCM) and were loaded with CXCL12α cytokine and LNP-coated Cas9 RNP. (B) The LNP-Cas9 RNP/MSCM-NF/CXCL12α complex can...

Avocado discovery may point to leukemia treatment

Avocado discovery may point to leukemia treatment

UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH IMAGE: A COMPOUND IN AVOCADOS MAY ULTIMATELY OFFER A ROUTE TO BETTER LEUKEMIA TREATMENT, SAYS A NEW UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH STUDY. CREDIT: UNIVERSITY OF GUELPH A compound in avocados may ultimately offer a route to better leukemia treatment, says a new University of Guelph study. The compound targets an enzyme that scientists...


New leukemia treatment outperforms standard chemotherapies

Researchers at ANU are working on a new treatment for an aggressive type of leukemia that outperforms standard chemotherapies. Lead researcher Dr Nadine Hein from The John Curtin School of Medical Research at ANU said researchers have successfully treated highly aggressive acute myeloid leukemia (AML) in mice using the new treatment. “Not only have we been able...