Tag: <span>life span</span>

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Scientists Extend Life Span in Mice by Restoring This Brain-Body Connection

By Shelly Fan It’s easy to vilify body fat as just a layer of unwanted padding sitting silently beneath the skin. But these cells are surprisingly active. Beyond being storage containers for energy, they pump out a wide range of hormones that interact with multiple organs to control metabolism, immune responses, and even reproduction. They...

New Breakthrough Paves the Way for Extending Human Lifespan – Scientists Successfully Transfer Longevity Gene

New Breakthrough Paves the Way for Extending Human Lifespan – Scientists Successfully Transfer Longevity Gene

By UNIVERSITY OF ROCHESTER AUGUST 27, 2023 Researchers successfully transferred a longevity gene from naked mole rats to mice, leading to enhanced health and increased lifespan. Naked mole rats, noted for their resistance to age-related diseases, have a gene that produces high molecular weight hyaluronic acid (HMW-HA), which when introduced to mice, demonstrated potential anti-aging benefits. The...


Longevity Linked to Proteins That Calm Overexcited Neurons

New research makes a molecular connection between the brain and aging — and shows that overactive neurons can shorten life span. Athousand seemingly insignificant things change as an organism ages. Beyond the obvious signs like graying hair and memory problems are myriad shifts both subtler and more consequential: Metabolic processes run less smoothly; neurons respond less...


New findings indicate additional benefits of exercise to breast cancer survivors

Can exercise reduce the risk of heart disease in women with breast cancer? That’s what Kyuwan Lee Ph.D. ’19 investigated as a part of study led by Christina Dieli-Conwright, “Effects of Aerobic and Resistance Exercise on Metabolic Syndrome, Sarcopenic Obesity, and Circulating Biomarkers in Overweight or Obese Survivors of Breast Cancer: A Randomized Controlled Trial.” Their findings, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association, Oncology,...


Nightingale’s technology links chronic inflammation with disease risk and shorter lifespan

Investigating a new marker for chronic inflammation GlycA, researchers have linked GlycA to increased risk for shorter lifespan and several organ-related diseases; the findings were made using Nightingale Health’s blood testing technology NIGHTINGALE HEALTH Chronic inflammation is currently a hot topic in health and wellness, being linked to everything from heart disease to clinical depression. In an...


Life span has little to do with genes, analysis of large ancestry database shows

Millions of amateur genealogists assembling family trees on Ancestry.com probably figure they’re just finding lost relatives and assessing their genetic proximity to Prince Harry, but in fact they have unintentionally made a significant contribution to science. An analysis of 54 million of the website’s public family trees finds that the heritability of life span, a...