Tag: <span>lipoproteins</span>

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PCSK9 inhibitor with statin does not cause loss in memory, mental skills in high-risk patients

PCSK9 inhibitor with statin does not cause loss in memory, mental skills in high-risk patients

by American College of Cardiology Heart disease patients taking evolocumab in addition to a statin to achieve extremely low levels of cholesterol do not show increased incidence of neurocognitive impairments, including memory loss or reduction in executive functions (mental skills), while at the same time have a decrease in recurrent cardiovascular events such as stroke...


Bladder drug linked to atherosclerosis in mice

by  Karolinska Institutet A drug used in the treatment of overactive bladder can accelerate atherosclerosis in mice, researchers at Karolinska Institutet in Sweden report in a study published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS). According to the researchers, the results suggest that in some cases, the drug might potentially increase the risk of cardiovascular...