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Cellular regeneration therapy restores damaged liver tissue faster than ever

Cellular regeneration therapy restores damaged liver tissue faster than ever

by Salk Institute Liver cells were partially reprogrammed into younger cells (red) using Yamanaka factors (white). The cell nuclei (blue) and cytoskeletal proteins (green) are also shown. Credit: Salk Institute Mammals can’t typically regenerate organs as efficiently as other vertebrates, such as fish and lizards. Now, Salk scientists have found a way to partially reset...

Scientists identify cells responsible for liver tissue maintenance and regeneration

Scientists identify cells responsible for liver tissue maintenance and regeneration

by  UT Southwestern Medical Center Liver lobule structure, identifying the three zones. Credit: UT Southwestern Medical Center While the amazing regenerative power of the liver has been known since ancient times, the cells responsible for maintaining and replenishing the liver have remained a mystery. Now, research from the Children’s Medical Center Research Institute at UT Southwestern (CRI) has identified the...

Scientists identify cells responsible for liver tissue maintenance and regeneration

Scientists identify cells responsible for liver tissue maintenance and regeneration

UT SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER IMAGE: LIVER SECTION IMAGES SHOWING FLUORESCENTLY LABEL HEPATOCYTES IN DISTINCT ZONES. EACH ROW IS A DIFFERENT STRAIN OF LINEAGE TRACING MOUSE. CREDIT: UT SOUTHWESTERN MEDICAL CENTER While the amazing regenerative power of the liver has been known since ancient times, the cells responsible for maintaining and replenishing the liver have remained...