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Malaria treatment is saving money while saving young lives

Malaria treatment is saving money while saving young lives

by  University of Bergen a-c: Deterministic sensitivity analysis for Malawi; tornado diagram of community-delivered PDMC and facility-delivered PDMC versus standard of care (1a, 1b), and a comparison of both PDMC strategies (1c). Credit: eClinicalMedicine (2022). DOI: 10.1016/j.eclinm.2022.101669 Young children in sub-Saharan Africa often become severely anemic as consequence of a malaria infection. Treating them requires blood transfusions and...


A hidden epidemic of shrinking jaws is behind many orthodontic and health issues, Stanford researchers say

For many of us, orthodontic work – getting fitted with braces, wearing retainers – was just a late-childhood rite of passage. The same went for the pulling of wisdom teeth in early adulthood. Other common conditions, including jaw pain and obstructed sleep apnea – when slack throat muscles interrupt breathing during rest – also just...

Phosphorus: Glowing, Flammable, and Essential to Our Cells

Phosphorus: Glowing, Flammable, and Essential to Our Cells

BY ABBEY BIGLER Of the 118 known elements, scientists believe that 25 are essential for human biology. Four of these (hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon) make up a whopping 96 percent of our bodies. The other 21 elements, though needed in smaller quantities, perform fascinating and vital functions. Phosphorus is one such element. It has...


Major error undermines study suggesting change introduced in the CRISPR babies experiment shortens lives

A scientific study published this past spring came with damning implications for Chinese scientist He Jiankui, who created the world’s first gene-edited babies: People with the rare genetic variants that He tried to engineer into embryos, the study asserted, had an increased death rate. On Friday, the paper’s senior author said his study was wrong....