Tag: <span>lockdown</span>

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The groundbreaking way to search lungs for signs of Covid-19

By Chris Baraniuk Technology of Business reporter When Covid-19 was at its height in China, doctors in the city of Wuhan were able to use artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms to scan the lungs of thousands of patients. The algorithm in question, developed by Axial AI, analyses CT imagery in seconds. It declares, for example, whether...

China county in lockdown as fears grow over second wave of virus

China county in lockdown as fears grow over second wave of virus

A Chinese county of around 600,000 residents has gone into lockdown after a woman who visited the area tested positive for the coronavirus, underscoring concerns over a second wave of domestic infections. The tightening comes as China reported 35 new confirmed cases on Thursday, drastically down from the peak of the crisis. But they were...