Tag: <span>Machine learning tool</span>

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Researchers develop machine-learning tool to detect cancer earlier via liquid biopsy

Researchers develop machine-learning tool to detect cancer earlier via liquid biopsy

by City of Hope National Medical Center Researchers at City of Hope and Translational Genomics Research Institute (TGen) have developed and tested an innovative machine-learning approach that could one day enable the earlier detection of cancer in patients by using smaller blood draws. The study was published today in the journal Science Translational Medicine. Credit: TGenResearchers...

Machine learning tool may diagnose Parkinson’s years before symptoms appear

Machine learning tool may diagnose Parkinson’s years before symptoms appear

By Paul McClure May 10, 2023 New research has used a specially-designed machine learning algorithm to identify unique combinations of metabolites that may be able to detect Parkinson’s disease early Depositphotos Parkinson’s disease (PD) is growing more rapidly than any other neurological disease, which makes its early detection so important. Researchers have developed a new machine-learning tool that shows promise...