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Nerve pain in the legs? Medical marijuana may alter brain connections, bring relief

When medical marijuana is taken for chronic nerve pain, it may provide pain relief by reducing connections between the areas of the brain that process emotions and sensory signals, according to a study published in the September 5, 2018, online issue of Neurology, the medical journal of the American Academy of Neurology. The study looked specifically...


First marijuana-derived drug is on the verge of approval

At 3 months old, Marissa Parsons began having frequent seizures, some lasting a half-hour. For almost two decades, her desperate parents tried drug after drug to treat her rare type of childhood epilepsy, but the medications mostly produced side effects – pancreatitis, hives and extreme drowsiness – and she was frequently hospitalized. Family outings became...


Huge marijuana discovery stuns scientists

A potentially groundbreaking new study suggests that drug addicts could stay clean by taking marijuana instead. An extraordinary new report suggests that marijuana could be an important tool in the fight against drug addiction, despite being long vilified as a dangerous and addictive drug itself. Specifically, scientists found that a non-psychoactive component of marijuana known...


Can marijuana help treat fibromyalgia?

Although best known as a recreational drug, marijuana has been used medicinally for thousands of years. In the United States, the use of marijuana (also known as cannabis) is illegal under federal law. However, many states have passed laws to decriminalize its use for the treatment of specific medical conditions. As a result, more and...


Could marijuana chewing gum treat IBS? Scientists testing US-made product to ease colon spasms that cause crippling bowel condition

  Dutch researchers are testing a US firm’s cannabis gum to treat IBS Irritable bowel syndrome affects 3.5 million Americans a year  Scientists believe CBD – an ingredient in cannabis – could ease colon spasms that cause bloating, cramps, constipation and diarrhea Cannabis-laced chewing gum could cure irritable bowel syndrome, scientists believe. Until now, doctors...


Massive marijuana report reveals drug’s many health effects

Cannabis and its many effects on users are described by a massive report that looks at 10,000 scientific studies There’s been no shortage of studies conducted over the years on the effects of marijuana use. But the focus of those studies can be as varied as their conclusions, making it a challenge to wade through the...