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COVID-19 study good news for rheumatic disease patients on immunosuppressants

COVID-19 study good news for rheumatic disease patients on immunosuppressants

A European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) database containing information on the effects of COVID-19 on patients with rheumatic and musculoskeletal diseases has given some reassurance to patients taking immunosuppressants. The drugs studied by the team include anti-malarial drugs, methotrexate, biological therapies such as TNF-alpha inhibitors, and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs such as Naproxen. None of them...

Exercise may offer ‘profound’ benefits for Friedreich’s ataxia, research suggests

Exercise may offer ‘profound’ benefits for Friedreich’s ataxia, research suggests

by Josh Barney, University of Virginia UVA researcher Zhen Yan studies the benefits of exercise. “You will benefit from just about any type of exercise as you age, as long as you’re not at risk of injury,” he said. Credit: Dan Addison, University Communications Atop exercise researcher at the University of Virginia School of Medicine...

Star-shaped brain cells may play a critical role in glaucoma

Star-shaped brain cells may play a critical role in glaucoma

by NYU Langone Health After a brain injury, cells that normally nourish nerves may actually kill them instead, a new study in rodents finds. This “reactive” phenomenon may be the driving factor behind neurodegenerative diseases like glaucoma, a leading cause of blindness. Led by researchers at NYU Grossman School of Medicine, the study examined what...

Virus co-opts immune protein to avoid antiviral defences

Virus co-opts immune protein to avoid antiviral defences

by eLife Electron micrographs of hepatitis C virus purified from cell culture. Scale bar is 50 nanometers. Credit: Center for the Study of Hepatitis C, The Rockefeller University. By discovering a trick the hepatitis C virus uses to evade the immune system, scientists have identified a new antiviral defense system that could be used to...

Study shows nervous and immune systems ‘need to talk’ for bone repair

Study shows nervous and immune systems ‘need to talk’ for bone repair

Study shows nervous and immune systems ‘need to talk’ for bone repair Photomicrographs from a recent Johns Hopkins Medicine study showing the importance of the peripheral nervous system in bone injury repair. Clockwise from bottom left: (A) Micro computed tomography image showing bone regrowth in mouse skull 14 days after injury (dashed black line is...

No use hiding your age: Scientists develop an eye scanner that can detect and track biological ageing in humans for the first time by analysing proteins in their lenses

No use hiding your age: Scientists develop an eye scanner that can detect and track biological ageing in humans for the first time by analysing proteins in their lenses

he team created an eye scanner that can tell someone’s ‘real’ or biological age There is no universal method for tracking a person’s biological age, authors say By building this new scanner they were able to create one method to see the age The team say that biological age is a more accurate health measure...


Microneedling therapeutic stem cells into damaged tissues

Small and minimally invasive ‘Detachable Microneedle Depots’ effectively deliver stem cells for localized MSC therapy of skin disorders Credit: Khademhosseini Lab (LOS ANGELES) — Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are multipotent in that they naturally replenish the cell types that build our bone, cartilage and adipose tissues. However, their much broader regenerative potential, based on their...

Scientists reveal how mutations in metabolism can drive cancers

Scientists reveal how mutations in metabolism can drive cancers

by Yale University Our cells have several ways to repair DNA that breaks when the cells divide. However, genetic mutations can disable these DNA repair mechanisms, destabilize the cells, and trigger cancer. In a paper published today in the journal Nature, Yale Cancer Center (YCC) scientists have identified mutations in metabolite-producing genes as a disruption...

Biophysicists reveal how optogenetic tool works

Biophysicists reveal how optogenetic tool works

An international research team has for the first time obtained the structure of the light-sensitive sodium-pumping KR2 protein in its active state. The discovery provides a description of the mechanism behind the light-driven sodium ion transfer across the cell membrane. The paper came out in Nature Communications. KR2 is a member of a very large...

Brain’s ‘updating mechanisms’ may create false memories

Brain’s ‘updating mechanisms’ may create false memories

by University of Technology, Sydney A study published in Current Biology reports on one of the first comprehensive characterizations of poorly formed memories, and may offer a framework to explore different therapeutic approaches to fear, memory and anxiety disorders. It may also have implications for accuracy of some witness testimony. Senior author Professor Bryce Vissel,...