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Cells Deep in Your Brain Place Time Stamps on Memories

Cells Deep in Your Brain Place Time Stamps on Memories

By Abdulrahman Olagunju on December 29, 2021 Hippocampi, one in each brain hemisphere. Credit: Sebastian Kaulitzki/Science Photo Library/Getty Images How does our brain know that “this” follows “that”? Two people meet, fall in love, and live happily ever after—or sometimes not. The sequencing of events that takes place in our head—with one thing coming after another—may have something to do...

Scientists find first in human evidence of how memories form

Scientists find first in human evidence of how memories form

by  UT Southwestern Medical Center Credit: CC0 Public Domain In a discovery that could one day benefit people suffering from traumatic brain injury, Alzheimer’s disease, and schizophrenia, UT Southwestern researchers have identified the characteristics of more than 100 memory-sensitive neurons that play a central role in how memories are recalled in the brain. Bradley Lega, M.D.,...

Human brain blocks retention of some memories even when actively trying to remember them

Human brain blocks retention of some memories even when actively trying to remember them

by Bob Yirka , Medical Xpress Credit: CC0 Public Domain A team of researchers at Zhejiang University in China has found evidence suggesting that the brain blocks retention of some memories even when a person actively attempts to remember them. In their paper published in the journal Science Advances, the group describes multiple experiments they conducted...

Study shows that memories pass through many transformation stages as they are encoded

Study shows that memories pass through many transformation stages as they are encoded

by Ingrid Fadelli, Medical Xpress Experimental protocol, behavioral performance, and analysis strategy. (A) Experimental paradigm. Associations between words and pictures were first encoded and maintained in a short-term memory task (DMS task; left). After each run, participants performed a long-term memory cued-recall task (right). (B) Accuracy during short-term memory (STM) and long-term memory (LTM) retrieval....

Study shows that precisely timed theta oscillations are required for mice to encode new memories

Study shows that precisely timed theta oscillations are required for mice to encode new memories

by Ingrid Fadelli , Medical Xpress Expression of light sensitive protein (channel rhodopsin, ChR2) in pacemaker cells in the medial septal area (MSA), along with light delivery to MSA, allows for light-controlled pacing of oscillatory brain activity in brain regions, such as the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC). Quirk and colleagues show that accelerating the pace...

Aging memories may not be ‘worse,’ just ‘different’

Aging memories may not be ‘worse,’ just ‘different’

by Brandie Jefferson,  Washington University in St. Louis “Older adults might be representing events in different ways, and transitions might be picked up differently than, say, a 20-year-old,” said Zachariah Reagh, assistant professor of psychological and brain sciences in Arts & Sciences. Reagh looked at fMRI images to study memory differences in different age groups. Credit:...

A new theory for how memories are stored in the brain

A new theory for how memories are stored in the brain

by  University of Kent Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain Research from the University of Kent has led to the development of the MeshCODE theory, a revolutionary new theory for understanding brain and memory function. This discovery may be the beginning of a new understanding of brain function and in treating brain diseases such as Alzheimer’s. In a...

Making Memories

Making Memories

On a late summer day in 1953, a young man who would soon be known as patient H.M. underwent experimental surgery. In an attempt to treat his debilitating seizures, a surgeon removed portions of his brain, including part of a structure called the hippocampus. The seizures stopped. Unfortunately, for patient H.M., so too did time....