Tag: <span>memories</span>

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Memories of past events retain remarkable fidelity even as we age

Memories of past events retain remarkable fidelity even as we age

by  Association for Psychological Science Scientists studying the complex relationship between aging and memory have found that in a controlled experiment, people can remember the details about past events with a surprising 94% accuracy, even accounting for age. These results, published in the journal Psychological Science, suggest that the stories we tell about past events are accurate,...


Blood marker may reduce cancer burden

Researchers at Flinders University are expanding work on a promising blood test model to help predict or diagnose head and neck cancer, a difficult cancer to pick up early and treat. With cancer accounting for almost 10 million a year, the Global Burden of Disease report (2017) attributed more than 380,000 deaths to head and...

Researchers discover protective factor against psychological trauma

Researchers discover protective factor against psychological trauma

by University of Basel The endogenous regulation of a specific gene is associated with a reduced risk of developing post-traumatic stress disorder following a terrifying experience. In particular, traumatic memories of the experience are less severe. Researchers from the University of Basel have reported these findings in the scientific journal PNAS. Traumatic experiences, such as...

Transcranial stimulation to prevent fear memories from returning

Transcranial stimulation to prevent fear memories from returning

by University of Bologna research group from the University of Bologna has succeeded in modifying the negative effect of a returning memory that triggers fear, and developed a new non-invasive experimental protocol. The result of this study, published in the journal Current Biology, is an innovative protocol that combines fear conditioning—a stimulus associated with something...

Memory impairment in mice reduced by soy derivate that can enter the brain intact

Memory impairment in mice reduced by soy derivate that can enter the brain intact

Ingestion of the protein fragment improved working and long-term memory in mice treated to simulate Alzheimer’s disease KYUSHU UNIVERSITY In a study that could help one day give a literal meaning to food for thought, researchers from Kyushu University in Japan have reported that a protein fragment that makes its way into the brain after...

Body’s natural cannabinoid may erase traumatic memories

Body’s natural cannabinoid may erase traumatic memories

Scientists from Leiden University in the Netherlands have shown that anandamide — a natural cannabinoid produced by the brain — could help people to forget traumatic memories and reduce stress levels. A recent study investigates the effects of a natural cannabinoid. Cannabinoids are chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. One of the most notable...

Researchers find synchronization of memory cells critical for learning and forming memories

Researchers find synchronization of memory cells critical for learning and forming memories

by University of New Hampshire The phrase “Pavlov’s dogs” has long evoked images of bells, food and salivating dogs. Even though this tried-and-true model of repetitive patterns mimics a variety of learning processes, what happens on a cellular level in the brain isn’t clear. Researchers at the University of New Hampshire took a closer look...


The way of making memories

by Heidelberg University How does the brain translate information from the outside world into something we remember? An international team of researchers working in the Human Brain Project have zoomed in on the neuronal circuits in the striatum, a brain structure involved in memory, behavior and reward learning. The findings, published in the PLOS Computational...


Scientists identify brain circuit responsible for building memories during sleep

Neuroscientists at the University of Alberta have identified a mechanism that may help build memories during deep sleep. In a study published last month in eNeuro, the researchers focused on the role of the nucleus reuniens, an area of the brain that connects two other brain structures involved in creating memories and may co-ordinate their...


A new discovery: How our memories stabilize while we sleep

CNRS Scientists at the Center for Interdisciplinary Research in Biology (CNRS/Collège de France/INSERM)[1] have shown that delta waves emitted while we sleep are not generalized periods of silence during which the cortex rests, as has been described for decades in the scientific literature. Instead, they isolate assemblies of neurons that play an essential role in long-term memory formation. These...