Tag: <span>memory and lifespan</span>

Home / memory and lifespan

Can a vitamin combo prolong your life?

Vitamins are nutrients that when synthesized or assimilated in the right quantities support our health and well-being. A new review suggests that a set of known and newly categorized vitamins can help prolong a person’s lifespan, and promote health well into old age. The review, recently published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,...


Dual studies suggest high-fat, low-carb diet improves memory and lifespan

New research suggests restricting intake of carbohydrates could have a positive effect on memory and lifespan   Are carbs the new fat? For much of the second half of the 20th century, doctors constantly suggested we avoid high-fat foods, but more recently a new target for our dietary scorn has emerged: carbohydrates. Two new companion...