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The memory changes of menopause

The memory changes of menopause

by Kelsie Smith Hayduk,  University of Rochester Medical Center Figure 1. Multilevel latent profile analysis in perimenopausal women. DH, dominant hand; NDH, non-dominant hand; RAVLT, Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test. Credit: DOI: 10.1080/13697137.2021.1892626 Menopause can mess with your memory, and a new study from the University of Rochester Medical Center has identified four profiles of cognitive...


Study reveals fundamental insight into how memory changes with age

KING’S COLLEGE LONDON New research from King’s College London and The Open University could help explain why memory in old age is much less flexible than in young adulthood. Through experiments in mice the researchers discovered that there were dramatic differences in how memories were stored in old age, compared to young adulthood. These differences,...