Tag: <span>metabolic effects</span>

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Positive metabolic effects of gastric bypass found to disappear quickly

Positive metabolic effects of gastric bypass found to disappear quickly

by Lund University PCA score plots for lipidomics data acquired in positive (ESI+; 80 annotated lipids) and negative (ESI-; 46 annotated lipids) ESI mode. PCA was conducted on (A,B) metabolite levels and (C,D) changes in metabolite levels (effects) within defined time ranges: short term (2 months vs. baseline), long term (12 vs. 2 months), cumulative (12 months vs. baseline),...

Optimizing indoor light conditions to mimic the natural light-dark cycle could help mitigate adverse metabolic effects

Optimizing indoor light conditions to mimic the natural light-dark cycle could help mitigate adverse metabolic effects

by Diabetologia Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public Domain A new study published in Diabetologia finds that the timing of exposure to bright light can have a significant influence on postprandial (post-meal) glucose metabolism, thermoregulation, and energy expenditure during sleep in overweight, insulin-resistant adults. The research was conducted by Jan-Frieder Harmsen, Patrick Schrauwen, and colleagues at the Department of Nutrition...