Tag: <span>metabolic process</span>

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Researchers discover numerous undescribed metabolic processes

Researchers discover numerous undescribed metabolic processes

by University of Freiburg Using genome-wide analysis, the researchers identified 1,299 genetic alterations that impact on metabolites in blood plasma and urine. Shown here are the 282 gene locations where enzymes and transporter proteins that influence metabolism are located. Credit: Anna Köttgen/Universität Freiburg Researchers at the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Freiburg have gained significant new insights...

Researchers reveal metabolic processes key to lung repair

Researchers reveal metabolic processes key to lung repair

by The Francis Crick Institute Electron micrograph of airway epithelia showing specialised mucus-producing and ciliated cells that help trap and remove external particles. Credit: The Francis Crick Institute Scientists at the Francis Crick Institute have uncovered how cells lining the lung airways change their metabolism, and how this process is key to helping the lungs...

For the first time, researchers visualize metabolic process at the single-cell level

For the first time, researchers visualize metabolic process at the single-cell level

by  University of Chicago A new PME imaging and machine learning technique can measure glycolysis at both the cellular and sub-cellular levels, potentially leading to new methods for treating a wide array of diseases, including cancer and COVID-19. Credit: Fang Lab at University of Chicago Understanding cellular metabolism—how a cell uses energy—could be key to treating...