Tag: <span>Microbiomes</span>

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New directions in microbiomes

FIRST HOSPITAL OF JILIN UNIVERSITY The field of gastroenterology and hepatology is experiencing a tremendous explosion of scientific knowledge and translational advances. It is a privilege to work in this field and to nurture the next generation of researchers and clinicians who will answer many critical questions and lessen the burden of digestive disease globally. Gastroenterology and...

Probing How Microbiomes Affect Our Health

Probing How Microbiomes Affect Our Health

Customized chemical probes tag proteins that interfere with cancer treatments, among other things. More than half the cells on or in our bodies are microbes. Microbes help us digest food, affect our moods, and defend against invading pathogens. PNNL scientists design and build chemical probes to understand the role of active proteins in cells and...