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Microfluidic Chip Aids Tuberculosis Diagnosis

Microfluidic Chip Aids Tuberculosis Diagnosis

JULY 10TH, 2023 CONN HASTINGS  DIAGNOSTICS, MEDICINE, PUBLIC HEALTH Researchers at the University of London have collaborated with QuantuMDx, a medtech company based in the UK, to develop a microfluidic diagnostic device for tuberculosis. The CAPTURE-XT chip is designed to concentrate and purify Mycobacterium tuberculosis from suspected tuberculosis patients, particularly in areas that lack access to routine diagnostic technologies....


New Microfluidic Chip Detects Circulating Tumor Cells in Real Time

At the Rovira i Virgili University in Catalan, Spain, researchers have developed and patented a microfluidic device for detecting circulating tumor cells within whole blood that originate from breast cancer tumors and which are responsible for metastasis.  The device, reported on in journal Scientific Reports, and already tested on blood of breast cancer patients at different stages...