Tag: <span>midlife women</span>

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Are midlife women doomed to gain weight?

Are midlife women doomed to gain weight?

by The North American Menopause Society Credit: Pixabay/CC0 Public Domain Weight gain is a common complaint of midlife women, with more than two-thirds of midlife US women being over the ideal weight threshold. Aging-related metabolic changes promote weight gain in both sexes, but women face additional challenges because of menopause. A presentation at The North...


Impaired vision increases risk of depression in midlife women

THE NORTH AMERICAN MENOPAUSE SOCIETY (NAMS) CLEVELAND, Ohio (Oct. 27, 2021)—Midlife women are known to have the highest prevalence of depression compared with all other age groups, and women have higher depression rates than men. A new study suggests that midlife vision impairment is associated with increased odds of future depressive symptoms for midlife women....