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New treatments for migraines show promise

New treatments for migraines show promise

by Scott Gilbert, Pennsylvania State University Many people think migraines are just bad headaches. But they’re so much more. In some people, they cause nausea or vomiting. In others, they enhance sensitivity to light, sounds and smell. Sometimes they cause vision distortion, numbness in an extremity or slurred speech. While no cure for migraines exists,...


Does Exercise Help or Worsen Migraines?

By Dr. Sanchari Sinha Dutta, Ph.D.Reviewed by Dr. Jennifer Logan, MD, MPH Migraine is a form of severe, recurrent headache which is associated with changes in blood circulation as well as brain network related to pain sensation. Although a high-intensity strenuous exercise sometimes triggers migraine attacks, there is good evidence suggesting that regular moderate exercise can decrease...


1-2 caffeinated drinks not linked with higher risk of migraines; 3+ may trigger them

BETH ISRAEL DEACONESS MEDICAL CENTER BOSTON – Afflicting more than one billion adults worldwide, migraine is the third most prevalent illness in the world. In addition to severe headache, symptoms of migraine can include nausea, changes in mood, sensitivity to light and sound, as well as visual and auditory hallucinations. People who suffer from migraine...


Relivion Headset for Migraines Cleared in Europe

“I believe that the Relivion device from Neurolief has great potential to improve acute migraine therapy,” said Alan Rapoport, M.D., clinical professor of neurology at The David Geffen School of Medicine at UCLA, past president of the International Headache Society (IHS), and the founder and director-emeritus of The New England Center for Headache. “Not only...


Nerivio Migra Wins FDA De Novo Clearance for Acute Treatment of Migraines

Theranica, a company based in Israel, won FDA De Novo clearance for its Nerivio Migra smartphone-operated electroceutical device for treating migraine headaches. The device is worn around the upper arm, from where it delivers electronic pulses into the skin to generate a so-called “Conditioned Pain Modulation” response. This helps to mitigate the effects of a migraine in patients with or without aura, and...


For migraine sufferers with obesity, losing weight can decrease headaches

by  The Endocrine Society For migraine sufferers with obesity, losing weight can decrease headaches and improve quality of life, researchers from Italy and the United States report. The results of their meta-analysis will be presented Saturday, March 23 at ENDO 2019, the Endocrine Society’s annual meeting in New Orleans, La. “If you suffer from migraine headaches and are obese, losing weight will ameliorate the quality of your family and social life as...


Research team discovers link between sodium and migraines before pain occurs

A Florida State University engineer and a team of researchers have found a link between migraines and how sodium is distributed through the brain, a finding that could be a key to future research on treatments for migraine sufferers. The paper was published in the journal Pain. Sam Grant, an associate professor in the FAMU-FSU College of Engineering, and Dr. Michael Harrington, director of neurosciences at...


Newly approved drug to prevent migraines

INDIANAPOLIS, Ind. – Eli Lilly and Company has been testing a new drug to help prevent migraines for years. On Thursday, that drug, named “Emgality,” was finally approved by the FDA. “It is an innovative medicine designed specifically to prevent migraines,” said Eric Pearlman, Medical Fellow at Eli Lilly. This new drug will work to...


There’s finally a drug that prevents migraines instead of just treating them

A migraine is more than just a headache. In addition to pulsating pain, people in the middle of an attack can experience nausea, vomiting, visual disturbances like tunnel vision, and sensitivity to light and sound. The FDA recently approved a new medication formulated to prevent migraine headaches. The drug has been many years in the making. A...