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Study finds mild COVID-19 infections make insomnia more likely, especially in people with anxiety or depression

Study finds mild COVID-19 infections make insomnia more likely, especially in people with anxiety or depression

by Frontiers Credit: Unsplash/CC0 Public DomainAlthough most patients diagnosed with COVID-19 will quickly recover, some people experience symptoms that linger well after they start testing negative again—including insomnia. Scientists already knew that insomnia was common in patients who had to be hospitalized, but a team of scientists led by Dr. Huong T. X. Hoang of Phenikaa...



As a result, they may be more likely to develop metabolic disorders and cardiovascular complications in the long term. The intermediate-term and long-term effects of SARS-CoV-2 infections on young adults have scarcely been investigated. Available original research tends to focus on sufferers who were hospitalized, elderly, or who have multiple morbidities. Or, existing research restricts evaluations to...

I have mild COVID. Should I take the antiviral Paxlovid?

I have mild COVID. Should I take the antiviral Paxlovid?

by Mark Morgan, Amanda Gwee, Jason Roberts, Nicole Allard and Tari Turner, The Conversation Credit: Shutterstock The COVID medication Paxlovid has been available in Australia on the Pharmaceuticals Benefits Scheme (PBS) since the start of May, with eligible patients directed to talk to their GP for a prescription. Paxlovid is an oral treatment for mild COVID, taken as...

Even Mild COVID Can Cause Brain Shrinkage and Affect Mental Function

Even Mild COVID Can Cause Brain Shrinkage and Affect Mental Function

Summary: Even mild COVID-19 infection can lead to cognitive alterations and brain shrinkage, researchers report. The findings could help explain the brain changes that contribute to long-COVID. Source: The Conversation Most of what we know about how COVID can affect the brain has come from studies of severe infection. In people with severe COVID, inflammatory cells from...

Oxford study detects cognitive deficits months after mild COVID

Oxford study detects cognitive deficits months after mild COVID

By Rich Haridy January 19, 2022 A study shows how even a mild case of COVID-19 can lead to long-term neurological problemsvectorfusionart/Depositphotos A novel study led by researchers from the University of Oxford has investigated the lingering cognitive effects of mild COVID-19 in the months following infection. The research revealed minor deficits in attention and...


Neurological symptoms like fatigue common in mild COVID

UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON Neurological and psychiatric symptoms such as fatigue and depression are common among people with Covid-19 and may be just as likely in people with mild cases, according to a new review study led by a UCL researcher. By reviewing evidence from 215 studies of Covid-19, the meta-analysis published in the Journal of...