Tag: <span>Misconceptions</span>

Home / Misconceptions
Survey finds many have misconceptions about sexually transmitted infection risk

Survey finds many have misconceptions about sexually transmitted infection risk

JUNE 26, 2024 by Ohio State University Medical Center Nurse practitioner Stacey Biffle-Quimba conducts an STI consultation at Columbus Public Health. As cases of STIs such as syphilis become an increasing health threat, talking to your doctor, getting tested and undergoing any necessary treatment is as important as ever. Credit: Ohio State University Wexner Medical...

Study: Misconceptions about cure, longevity, among cancer patients facing ‘terrifying news’

Study: Misconceptions about cure, longevity, among cancer patients facing ‘terrifying news’

by Leslie Orr, University of Rochester Medical Center Distribution of prognostic understanding regarding curability and life expectancy estimates reported by patients and oncologists. A, Patients and oncologists were asked about their beliefs about the curability of the cancer: “What do you believe are the chances the cancer will go away and never come back with...


Plant-based diets high in carbs improve type 1 diabetes, according to new case studies

Studies challenge misconception that carbs are bad for diabetes PHYSICIANS COMMITTEE FOR RESPONSIBLE MEDICINE WASHINGTON–Plant-based diets rich in whole carbohydrates can improve insulin sensitivity and other health markers in individuals with type 1 diabetes, according to two case studies published by researchers from the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine in the Journal of Diabetes &...


Misconceptions may lead to dehydration in older adults

A new study looks at what keeps older adults from getting sufficient fluids to avoid negative health outcomes.  Share on Pinterest New research stresses the importance of staying hydrated as we get older. Staying hydrated seems simple enough. Yet studies have shown that somewhere between about one-third and one-half of older adults may be dehydrated, increasing their...