Tag: <span>Molecular imaging</span>

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Real-time molecular imaging of near-surface tissue using Raman spectroscopy

Real-time molecular imaging of near-surface tissue using Raman spectroscopy

by Thamarasee Jeewandara, Medical Xpress Representative results of the proposed approach on a porcine brain sample. a Brightfield image of the sample, where the arrows indicate areas with a lipid-rich and pharmaceutical compound. In the brightfield image it is not only challenging to localize the regions but does not provide any possibility to differentiate between...

Molecular imaging uncovers effects of COVID-19 on the brain

Molecular imaging uncovers effects of COVID-19 on the brain

by Society of Nuclear Medicine Figure 1. 18F-FDG PET in COVID-19–related CNS disorders: Principal components analysis of spatial covariance pattern (first row) and statistical parametric mapping analysis of metabolic group differences (second to fifth rows) in patients with COVID-19–related encephalopathy, patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome, and patients with post-COVID-19 syndrome and hyposmia compared to healthy controls (n=13)....