Tag: <span>motor cortex</span>

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High frequency brain wave patterns in the motor cortex can predict an upcoming movement

High frequency brain wave patterns in the motor cortex can predict an upcoming movement

by University of Chicago Medical Center Credit: CC0 Public Domain Nicholas G. Hatsopoulos, Ph.D., Professor of Organismal Biology and Anatomy at the University of Chicago, has long been interested in space. Specifically, the physical space occupied by the brain. “Inside our heads, the brain is all crumpled up. If you flattened out the human cortex...

Researchers study pain-relieving neural mechanisms by activation of the motor cortex

Researchers study pain-relieving neural mechanisms by activation of the motor cortex

by Universitätsklinikum Heidelberg  Stained nerve tracts in the motor cortex of a mouse. Credit: Heidelberg University Hospital The motor cortex controls the voluntary movement of muscles. It remains largely unclear why its electrical or magnetic stimulation can alleviate therapy-resistant chronic pain—albeit unreliably. An interdisciplinary research group at the Medical Faculty of Heidelberg (MFHD) has now tracked down...

Study reveals motor cortex could have larger role in Parkinson’s disease

Study reveals motor cortex could have larger role in Parkinson’s disease

by  Stony Brook University Whole-cell recordings of excitatory neurons in forelimb M1 were localized to L2/3 and L5. A, Schematic showing the anterior–posterior span of recorded slices, restricted to the forelimb area of M1. B, Recorded neurons were visualized with streptavidin labeling of biocytin and confirmed as excitatory by negative immunoreactivity for GAD67. GAD67 and merged...