Tag: <span>Muscle Fibers</span>

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Stop Ignoring This Filament Crucial to Muscle Function physical medicine

Titin was discovered four decades ago, but some physiology textbooks fail to recognize the important role it plays in muscle contraction. Watching the elaborate motion of a pitcher throwing a baseball at more than 100 miles an hour illustrates the essential role of stretching prior to delivering large amounts of mechanical power. Similarly, practitioners of...


Spraying Technique Creates Muscle Fibers

A network of muscle fibers grows on spun plastic scaffold. Under a confocal laser scanning microscope the muscle fibers appear in red, and the cell nuclei in blue. Image: Lukas Weidenbacher Researchers at the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (EMPA) have developed an electrospraying technique that can incorporate living cells into a...

November 21, 2017November 21, 2017by In Devices